
Exemples : "Appel à projets", "Impact social", "Transition écologique", "Financements"

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Exemples : "Appel à projets", "Impact social", "Transition écologique", "Financements"
Exemples : "Appel à projets", "Impact social", "Transition écologique", "Financements"
9 résultats
Publié le 19/05/2020
En réponse à la crise sanitaire, Convergences publie un recueil d'initiatives qui fait suite aux réflexions menées autour de 6 Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) présentés lors du dernier Forum Mondial Convergences. Cette publication propose dans ce cadre 100 solutions de coopération, de…
Auteur : Convergences
Publié le 31/05/2022
Social entrepreneurs combine doing good with doing business to create a positive impact on society. Public officials have become aware of the resolving power of social entrepreneurs and set up favourable policies. Under the R.R.E.S.I. project led by ImpactCity Hague, Euclid Network and partners…
Auteur : Impact City The Hague
Publié le 29/08/2022
Published by the association Agricultural and rural convention - ARC2020 and Forum synergies, this book gathers a mosaic of resilient practices in rural areas across 25 European countries. Launched in June 2022 at the European Parliament, it aims to reveal the power of European civil society and…
Auteur : ARC 2020, Forum synergies
Publié le 15/03/2021
How do we go about identifying the socially innovative character of a project in order to provide better guidance and support? This publication produced by Avise, with the support of the Caisse des Dépôts and the European Social Fund, provides the keys to understanding and identifying social…
Auteur : Avise
Publié le 07/11/2022
Designed towards social innovation project leaders and their teams, but also towards financial and non-financial support organisations, this handbook "Strategies for scaling up" aims at characterizing the concept of scaling up and fosters a shared understanding of its underlying…
Auteur : Avise

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