Developing support programmes

P’INS, replicating social innovations
In 2014, the MACIF foundation and Avise launched P’INS, a support programme to help socially innovative project owners with their dissemination strategies. The goal is to replicate social innovations that have a proven impact to meet individuals’ key needs in the face of today's social, environmental, and economic challenges.
P’INS represents:
- 6 to 8 new projects per year;
- a community of more than 60 alumni that gathers for an annual seminar.
Avise also leads annual or semi-annual sector-specific support programmes with different partners.
For example:
In 2022, Avise launched a national collective and individual support programme to consolidate some ten innovative SSE enterprises with upcycling businesses. This national upcycling programme offers support to projects in fields that offer a promising outlook for an ecological transition. The programme was developed through the local SSE guidance and support scheme (DLA) and complements the DLA's local support initiatives.
The Graines d’autonomie programme, created as a joint effort by Avise, and the OCIRP Foundation and its members (AG2R La Mondiale, AGRICA Group, APICIL Group, Klésia and Malakoff Humanis), was launched in 2022.
It offers some ten projects an ongoing strategic support programme that combines expert input, peer-to-peer exchanges, and individualised support to secure their scale-up strategy. Communication support and matchmaking with financers were also offered to some twenty social innovators in the field of autonomy.
Enabling social innovators to assess their impact
Cap Impact
In 2020, Avise launched the Cap Impact programme to train SSE and social innovation support providers on social impact assessment so they can guide the early phases of a social impact assessment process for SSE and social innovation projects.
Structuring local social innovation ecosystems/supporting social innovation stakeholders
Avise works with SSE stakeholders and national networks of local governments on analysis, inter-regional capitalisation, and practice sharing projects to incorporate the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social innovation into regional policy, leverage it to revitalise marginalised areas, and encourage local cooperation.
Encouraging international exchanges
Avise plays a role on the international stage, participating in the work of EU bodies and networks and collaborating on European projects. It also keeps an eye on Europe, the social and solidarity economy, and social innovation.
The networks and organisations in which Avise is involved in addition to its work as a member of the BuiCaSuS consortium, include:
- Member of the advisory board of the initiative of the European Social Fund (ESF+) for social innovation+, managed by the ESFA (European social fund agency).
- Member of the “Community of Practice on Social Innovation” (CoP SI), a community of European social innovation stakeholders facilitated by the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI).
- National validator of the European Social Innovation Database, which is managed by the European Commission.
- Member of the following networks :

DIESIS, a development and support network for the social economy, particularly social enterprises and cooperatives.

EUCLID NETWORK, a European network of organisations that support social entrepreneurship.

GECES, the European Commission's expert group on social entrepreneurship.

GSG (Global Steering Group for Impact Investment), and international network dedicated to impact investment.

Social Good Accelerator, a European movement committed to the digital transition of social economy stakeholders through Social Tech.